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5 Ways to Increase likes on a business Facebook page

It has been estimated that over 40 million small-scale businesses are using Facebook to link with their customers and promote their brand. Normally, marketers adopt the Facebook's paid ad strategy to increase the likes of their Facebook's page. Instead, there is a number of ways you can adapt to grow your Facebook likes without spending a single penny on its advertisement.


For your success on Facebook, the main element needed is an engaged community. Without it, it becomes very hard for you to create your brand awareness. The matter is not just the quantity; it's about the quality as well. The right audience should be attracted and engaged in various ways to align your business goals. Getting more likes on your business Facebook page is all about understanding of working of Facebook and implementing strategies to increase your organic post reach. As your more posts get liked and shared among a community, more your reach and your visibility get increased. This ultimately leads to the growth of your page. Below are some of the ways you can implement upon to increase "likes" for a business Facebook page:


1) Optimize the information on your business Facebook page:

Mostly it has been seen that people just use to see the profile picture, cover photo and the related description from your entire company's Facebook page. They do not even bother to visit the full page or posts. So a good Facebook page to promote the business is one which makes sure that the brand's images are attractive and description is engaging. Summarize up what your company does to make people encourage liking the page.


Next step is to fill as much as information on your page as you can. Selection of categories and other sub-categories to describe your company creates a more professional look at your page. Mention your website's URL prominently. Enlist your contact number, address and hours of operation. All these steps will help your page to appear in the Google or Facebook search as people start searching a company like you. This will ultimately make you get more likes.


2) Ensure engaging content:

The key to a successful digital marketing of a business is engaging content. The necessary thing is to post entertaining and engaging content on your business Facebook post. Use attractive and interesting pictures and video to attract a heap of followers. Facebook constantly use to update its algorithm and reward page with increased reach which receives more engagement in likes, shares and comments. Facebook also rewards in a way by letting your content visible on the newsfeed of your engaged user's friends.


The video is the most influencing way to gather a more engaged audience. But they should be in an optimal length to grab their attention and digest the content. Moreover, the content you post should be clear, brief, concise and relevant. All the posts should add some value in one way or the other. You can make the content more engaging by discussing other related popular companies. For example, if you have a Facebook page of your own cosmetic brand, you can discuss the Box packaging from The Custom Boxes. This will attract the users of the packaging company as well, thus opening the way towards more likes and more followers.


3) Be active and post regularly:

People like the page who undergo instant posting but if you are not regular to post, they ultimately unlike from your page. The best way is to decide how much content you can post a week and divide it with scheduled times during the week. This will ensure uniformity in your posting. Sidewise, use Facebook Page Insights to check out the days and time on which most of the Facebook users are active.


In digital marketing, the content may become visible once a day but a technical content related search engine optimization may run every day around 3 p.m. So, post frequently during the peaks times to engage a majority of your followers in the content. Once the audience is gathered, take the feedback week by week or day by day. Reply to their questions consistently. This consistency will help you to get more likes and make your Facebook page successful.


4) Run a contest or offer live videos:
Companies are constantly in a practice of conducting Facebook contests to build and engage their audience to get more likes. Contests create fun and are the best way to market your products. Make sure that the contests follow Facebook Promotion Guidelines and should be conducted on monthly basis. The contest should be creative, easy, relevant and interesting to attract more people and their friends with encouraging participation. Make use of ads on Facebook to promote the contest so that more and more public get aware of it. If you want to use some app to run the contest, it should be mobile-optimized. Another option is to conduct live videos. A research has been concluded that Facebook users use to spend 3 times more time in watching live sessions as compared to traditional videos. Live videos naturally engage the large audience and help in boosting the likes.


5) Promote your page everywhere and use Facebook Social Plug-in:
Once you have created great content on your business Facebook page, next step is to promote your page on all social media websites. Moreover, promote it as your email signature; business cards as well as on your company's website as well on its homepage and header or footer. Make it sure that audience can have an easy access to your page with a single click. More you can in this regard is to use free Facebook Social Plug-ins. It makes the users easily visit the website without leaving the Facebook page.